
  • 签约信
  • 30 多个组织呼吁市长白思豪优先考虑无家可归学生的教育需求

    AFC joined more than 30 organizations in reminding the Mayor and the City of its legal obligation to provide transportation for students who are homeless, and expressing our disappointment that the City’s school reopening plan does not prioritize students who are homeless for in-person instruction.

    2020 年 8 月 4 日

    Close-up on kneeling student placing a book in a backpack. (Photo by RDNE Stock Project via Pexels)
    照片由 RDNE Stock Project 通过 Pexels 提供

    The current plans for reopening schools in the fall will be unworkable for many families experiencing homelessness, who are not permitted to leave their children in shelters during the day while they work or address other urgent family needs.
