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  • Вебинар
  • Upcoming Event
  • Понимание IEP детского сада

    In this 90-minute workshop, learn about the process of creating the IEP, steps you can take to prepare for the IEP meeting, and programs and service options that are available for children with disabilities in kindergarten. We’ll go over important dates, parents’ rights, advocacy tips, and how to get help during this process.

    Jan 22, 2025

    4:00 PM –5:30 PM Виртуальный

    Selective focus colored pencils with red pencil sticking out (Photo by sorapop, Adobe Stock)

    Wednesday, January 22 | 4-5:30 pm

    Este taller también se ofrece en español. Obtenga más información y regístrese.

    AFC Guides, Tips Sheets, and more

    Want to learn more?

    Check out AFC's other Transition to Kindergarten resources and webinars