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  • NYC Announces Major Expansion Of Free Programs For Pre-Schoolers

    Mar 24, 2021

    03.24.2021 | Gothamist | The nonprofit Advocates for Children said there are not enough slots for students with disabilities, who require smaller classes with a special education teacher. They estimate a shortage of 1,000 to 2,000 seats for special education pre-school classes, plus hundreds more for bilingual special education pre-school classes. 

    “3-K and Pre-K will never be ‘for all’ while preschoolers with disabilities are sitting at home without the classes they need,” said Kim Sweet, AFC’s Executive Director. “Announcing a major expansion of 3-K with no plan to provide legally required classes to preschoolers with disabilities is a slap in the face to parents whose children need additional help—and is a violation of children’s civil rights.” Читать статью