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  • D.O.E. didn’t enforce support laws for special-needs students, ruling finds

    Nov 8, 2013

    11.07.2013 | Capital New York | The Department of Education systemically violated the law by not providing necessary supports for students with disabilities, according to a ruling by the state education department on Thursday. The New York State Education Department (N.Y.S.E.D.) ruled that the D.O.E. has failed to ensure that students with disabilities are properly evaluated and provided with support for behavioral issues. The N.Y.S.E.D. ruling is an affirmation of a complaint filed by Advocates for Children (A.F.C.), which supports high-risk students, earlier this year. “We hope this decision will motivate the D.O.E. to finally do the right thing for New York City students,” Kim Sweet, the Executive Director of A.F.C., said in a statement. Читать статью
