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  • 서명 편지
  • 옹호자들은 DOE에 위탁 보호 학생을 위한 지원에 투자할 것을 요청합니다.

    AFC joined 35 child welfare and education organizations to call on Mayor de Blasio and Chancellor Porter to invest in support for students in foster care. We’re asking that they provide funding in the Fiscal Year 2022 budget to create a DOE office focused full-time on students in foster care and to guarantee school bus or other door-to-door transportation for students in foster care who need it to maintain school stability.

    2021년 6월 1일

    Black male teenager wearing a school uniform and riding a New York City bus. (Photo by Cavan for Adobe, Adobe Stock)
    Adobe용 Cavan의 사진, Adobe Stock

    관련 정책 리소스
