Ale nan kontni

Stack of books against a blurred background. (Photo by Kimberly Farmer on Unsplash)

Resous Politik

AFC travay pou chanje politik edikasyon pou sistèm lekòl piblik la sèvi tout timoun yo efektivman. Nou pibliye rapò politik ak analiz done, temwaye nan vil la ak nivo Eta a, pale nan laprès pou pote atansyon sou defi elèv yo ak fanmi nou sèvi yo ap fè fas a, epi mete ansanm ak lòt defansè, paran, jèn, ak edikatè pou mande chanje.

100 rezilta yo jwenn

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  • Sijè
  • Kalite Resous
Kreye pwogram CTE ki benefisye elèv andikape ak elèv k ap aprann lang angle 
  • Rapò Règleman
  • Kreye pwogram CTE ki benefisye elèv andikape ak elèv k ap aprann lang angle 

    Nan mwa fevriye 2016, la Kowalisyon pou plizyè chemen pou jwenn yon diplòm, ki kowòdone pa AFC, te pibliye yon enskripsyon politik ajou ki idantifye baryè nan enstriksyon CTE pou elèv ki gen andikap ak ELL yo epi bay rekòmandasyon bay NYSED ak Konsèy Regents pou kreye pwogram CTE aksesib ki pral benefisye elèv sa yo.

    12 fevriye 2016

    Dwa Sivil Sispann: Yon Analiz Règleman Disiplin Lekòl Charter Vil Nouyòk
    An empty school desk.
  • Rapò Règleman
  • Dwa Sivil Sispann: Yon Analiz Règleman Disiplin Lekòl Charter Vil Nouyòk

    This February 2015 report describes findings made from AFC’s review of 164 New York City charter school discipline policies obtained through Freedom of Information Law requests. A significant number of City charter schools have discipline policies that fail to meet the legal requirements, leading to violations of students’ and parents’ civil rights. The report includes recommendations for state legislators to consider as they discuss raising the cap on charter schools and ensuring that charter schools serve high-needs students.

    12 fevriye 2015

    Sèz ki prale nan setyèm ane: Elèv ki gen plis laj nan lekòl mwayen vil Nouyòk
    Male teenager hides his head in his arms as he sits on the floor of a classroom.
  • Rapò Règleman
  • Sèz ki prale nan setyèm ane: Elèv ki gen plis laj nan lekòl mwayen vil Nouyòk

    Plis pase 50,000 elèv lekòl presegondè – yon ka nan elèv yo nan lekòl presegondè piblik Vil Nouyòk yo – yo te kite dèyè omwen yon fwa, epi plis pase 8,500 elèv yo te kite tounen omwen 3 fwa. Malgre gwo bezwen akademik ak sosyal-emosyonèl yo, gen mwens pase 450 plas nan pwogram pou elèv lekòl presegondè ki gen plis laj nan lekòl piblik tradisyonèl yo ak lekòl charter vil la. Rapò politik septanm 2014 sa a pote atansyon sou bezwen inik elèv ki gen laj mwayen yo epi li bay Depatman Edikasyon Vil Nouyòk (DOE) rekòmandasyon pou amelyore rezilta pou popilasyon sa a.

    9 septanm 2014

    Repanse chemen pou gradye nan lekòl segondè nan Eta New York: Fòje nouvo fason pou elèv yo montre akonplisman estanda yo.
    Graduating students smiling and laughing with diplomas
  • Rapò Règleman
  • Repanse chemen pou gradye nan lekòl segondè nan Eta New York: Fòje nouvo fason pou elèv yo montre akonplisman estanda yo.

    Rapò sa a pa Kowalisyon pou plizyè chemen pou jwenn yon diplòm, ki te prepare pa Advocates for Children of New York, egzamine difikilte yo ke egzamen sòti estanda ki gen gwo avantaj yo poze pou anpil elèv epi adrese bezwen pou egzijans egzamen ki pi fleksib ak chemen ki baze sou evalyasyon pou jwenn yon diplòm.

    12 desanm 2013

    Vwa Esansyèl, Pati II: Angaje Elèv yo ak Paran yo nan Enplemantasyon yon Nouvo Sistèm Evalyasyon Pwofesè
    Male student sitting in the class and raising hand up to ask question during lecture. (Photo by Jacob Lund, Adobe Stock)
  • Rapò Règleman
  • Vwa Esansyèl, Pati II: Angaje Elèv yo ak Paran yo nan Enplemantasyon yon Nouvo Sistèm Evalyasyon Pwofesè

    Dokiman politik Oktòb 2013 sa a mande DOE pou mete elèv yo ak paran yo lè y ap mete nouvo sistèm evalyasyon pwofesè a an pratik lè li tabli yon gwoup konsiltatif moun ki konsène yo pou bay repons sou pwosesis aplikasyon politik la. Papye a tou bay egzanp estrikti ki etabli pou objektif sa a nan lòt vil ak eta.

    31 oktòb 2013

    Keeping Kids In School and Out of Court: Report and Recommendations
  • Rapò Règleman
  • Keeping Kids In School and Out of Court: Report and Recommendations

    May 2013 report and recommendations from the New York City School-Justice Partnership Task Force. Under the stewardship of former Chief Judge Judith Kaye, the task force brought together a unique and knowledgeable group of key players from the education and justice communities who had not previously had the chance to collaborate. The report outlines a plan of action for the next mayor to reduce suspensions and school-based summonses and arrests.

    May 30, 2013

    Essential Voices: Including Student and Parent Input in Teacher Evaluation
    A student in the front row of a classroom raises their hand.
  • Rapò Règleman
  • Essential Voices: Including Student and Parent Input in Teacher Evaluation

    This policy paper describes the need for student and parent input in teacher evaluation in New York City, summarizes research demonstrating the validity and reliability of such measures, describes efforts other states and districts are undertaking to incorporate student and/or parent feedback into their own teacher evaluation systems, and provides recommendations to the DOE.

    Jun 18, 2012

    Estabilite Edikasyon pou Timoun ki nan Adopsyon
    Close-up of an open book. (Photo by Bilakis via Pexels)
  • Atik Revizyon Lwa
  • Estabilite Edikasyon pou Timoun ki nan Adopsyon

    This article by AFC Supervising Attorney Erika Palmer and Cara Chambers, Supervising Attorney for the Legal Aid Society’s Education Advocacy Project, examines the impact of changing schools on students in foster care, discusses current laws, and describes strategies from around the country to address school mobility. It was first presented at the Practicing Law Institute’s 10th Annual School Law Institute and was published in Volume 26 of the Touro Law Review.

    29 novanm 2011