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Briana’s Story

Briana is an energetic and caring 13-year-old who makes friends easily and loves to dance. She first began receiving special education supports and services for language delays and learning disabilities in first grade, but nevertheless struggled with schoolwork, even after enrolling in a private special education school. Briana has dyslexia and quickly fell far behind her peers in reading, and by the end of elementary school, she had also developed significant anxiety, which compounded her academic difficulties. Briana’s mother was concerned that her daughter was making only minimal progress and that Briana’s anxiety was preventing her from fully benefiting from the services she was receiving, while Briana’s teachers and therapist agreed that her school setting was no longer appropriate.

Advocates for Children first helped get comprehensive evaluations to assess Briana’s needs. We then worked with her mom to secure placement at a non-public school that could provide a supportive environment and specialized instruction. Briana started at her new school last fall, and partway through the year. This September, Briana headed back to school knowing that she will receive the help she needs to be successful, and she’s looking forward to a great year!

"I wanted to let you know that Briana is doing so well!! Her reading has improved and the support she is given on a daily basis definitely has improved her confidence. I will forever be so grateful for all your help in finding her the right fit.”

Briana's mother