تخطى الى المحتوى

  • الشهادة والتعليق العام
  • الاتحاد الآسيوي لكرة القدم يشهد بشأن تقليل مسؤوليات شرطة نيويورك في مدارس مدينة نيويورك

    AFC testified before the City Council Committee on Public Safety, joining the call from students, parents, and educators for police-free schools and urging the City to eliminate the reliance on the New York City Police Department to address the needs of students in our schools.

    27 سبتمبر 2021

    New York City City Hall Building

    The City must invest sufficient resources to create a comprehensive, multi-tiered system of mental health and social-emotional supports and services that ensures every school can effectively meet students’ needs with a trauma-informed approach, including by investing in staff trained and coached in providing direct services to students.

    موارد السياسة ذات الصلة