تخطى الى المحتوى

  • خطاب تسجيل الدخول
  • الاتحاد الآسيوي لكرة القدم ينضم إلى أكثر من 60 منظمة تطالب بوقف عمليات الإيقاف على مستوى الولاية

    AFC joined more than 60 organizations to call on New York State to issue a moratorium on suspensions for the 2020-2021 school year to ensure every child has the best possible chance to makeup for lost classroom time, and for schools to reopen after a traumatic year in a manner that promotes equity and healing.

    31 أغسطس 2020

    Pile of different notebooks on a white windowsill, in natural light from the window. (Photo by koldunova, Adobe Stock)
    Photo by koldunova, Adobe Stock

    موارد السياسة ذات الصلة