تخطى الى المحتوى

  • ندوة عبر الإنترنت
  • أبجديات تعليم القراءة في مدينة نيويورك

    6 مارس 2024

    4:00 مساءً بتوقيت شرق الولايات المتحدة - 5:00 مساءً بتوقيت شرق الولايات المتحدةافتراضي

    There’s a lot changing when it comes to literacy instruction in NYC Public Schools! This webinar provides an overview of how children learn to read, what’s changing in NYC Public Schools with the rollout of NYC Reads, and the supports available for students struggling with reading. We discuss questions you can ask at March parent-teacher conferences to understand how your child is doing and explain how to get help if they need extra support or have a disability like dyslexia.

