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  • NYC mayor’s proposed budget reduces education spending, but avoids controversial cuts to schools

    Jan 13, 2023

    01.12.2023 | Gothamist | Advocates said they were glad to see that the financial plan did not include the enrollment-based cuts, but many worried about the scaled back of ambitions around 3K and other initiatives. 

    “We are relieved that the city is not moving forward with certain planned cuts to school budgets next year at a time when students still need intensive academic and social-emotional support,” said Kim Sweet, executive director of Advocates for Children of New York. “However, we are deeply concerned that the Mayor’s Preliminary Budget does not extend funding for a number of initiatives that provide critical support to students and families.” 

    The group said the proposed budget appears not to continue funding for a handful of programs that support student mental health, homeless students and undocumented children. اقرأ المقال