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  • City Council, advocates push for more help for students in foster care

    21 أبريل 2022

    04.20.2022 | NY1 | Advocates say the city has promised a staff of 11 for the office. City officials testified four positions have been posted. None, so far, have been filled. 

    “Meaning there is still not anyone at DOE focused solely on students in care,” Erika Plamer, an attorney with Advocates for Children, said. 

    The city’s schools serve upwards of 7,000 children in foster care each year. Their educational outcomes are startling.

    “The New York City public school graduation rate for students in foster care is only 43%, compared to 81% of all other New York City students,” said Councilwoman Rita Joseph, chair of the Education Committee. شاهد الفيديو