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  • الاتحاد الآسيوي في الأخبار
  • Schools Update: 32,000 Special Education Students Shortchanged By Public Schools, Data Shows

    Nov 4, 2020

    11.04.2020 | Gothamist | Maggie Moroff, special education policy coordinator at Advocates for Children of New York, said her organization is pushing the city to more directly measure, and address, the gaps in services and learning for special education students during the pandemic.

    “We are obviously worried that the kids that were making progress are now going to see regression in their development,” Moroff said, adding that city data shows a nearly 27% decline in the number of initial referrals for special education evaluation. “We’re worried that some kids who should be getting services for the first time this fall are not, because they did not get evaluations.” اقرأ المقال