مواد پر جائیں۔

  • سائن آن لیٹر
  • 80+ تنظیمیں ابتدائی مداخلت کی منتقلی کے حوالے سے سائن آن لیٹر میں شامل ہوں۔

    AFC joined more than 80 organizations calling on the State to ensure that children do not lose Early Intervention services due to the difficulties getting preschool evaluations during the pandemic.

    16 جون 2020

    Mother kneeling next to toddler son wearing leg braces. (Photo by Cultura Creative, Adobe Stock)
    Photo by Cultura Creative, Adobe Stock

    The letter asks that the State extend Early Intervention services for three-year-old children who have been unable to receive preschool special education evaluations due to the pandemic, so these children will not abruptly lose all services at the end June.

    متعلقہ پالیسی وسائل
