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  • AFC Writes Chancellor Carranza Regarding Busing Problems

    AFC sent a letter to Chancellor Carranza regarding start-of-school problems with busing. The letter shared a number of cases that are illustrative of what families, especially families of students with disabilities, routinely experience.

    Sep 27, 2018

    School bus on a busy Manhattan street. (Photo by Gela Delrose via Pexels)
    Photo by Gela Delrose via Pexels

    Although the DOE has tended to treat busing as ancillary to its core mission of providing a quality education to the City’s students, we see over and over cases in which busing problems keep students from school altogether, make students miss critical academic time by arriving late/leaving early, or relegate students – some with very complicated special needs – to uncomfortable, extended periods of time on buses, often impacting their readiness to learn and leaving their parents fearful for their safety.