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  • Social Workers for Homeless Kids is Not the Place to Skimp

    May 15, 2019

    05.15.2019 | Gotham Gazette | Op-ed by AFC Executive Director Kim Sweet: 

    Cutting funding for the program and then restoring it should not be viewed as a victory when thousands of students living in shelter lack access to the crucial help Bridging the Gap social workers can provide. Schools alone cannot end homelessness. But, with the right support, schools can transform the lives of students who are homeless. As Mayor de Blasio has stated, a quality education is “the most powerful tool we know for lifting one’s life chances.” To break the cycle of homelessness, the city must devote more attention and resources to the education of students living in shelter. The mayor should start by providing funding for at least 100 school social workers for students living in shelter in this year’s budget. Read op-ed