Bronx Independent Living Services
Brooklyn Center for the Independence of the Disabled
Center for Hearing and Communication
Center for the Independence of the Disabled, New York
نیویارک کے بچوں کے لیے شہریوں کی کمیٹی
Citywide Council on High Schools
Citywide Council on Special Education
Citywide District 75 Council
Coalition for Educational Justice
Collaborative for Inclusive Education
Community Inclusion & Development Alliance (CIDA)
The Cooke School and Institute
Dyslexia (Plus) Task Force
Everyone Reading, Inc.
Goddard Riverside Community Center
The Learning Disabilities Association of New York State
The Literacy Academy Collective
The Mental Health Association of New York
Metropolitan Parent Center of Sinergia, Inc.
Mobilization for Justice, Inc.
National Economic and Social Rights Initiative
New York Lawyers for the Public Interest
New York Legal Assistance Group
New York Performance Standards Consortium
Parents for Inclusive Education
Parent to Parent of New York State
Parent to Parent New York, Inc.
Partnership for the Homeless, Education Rights Project
Protect NYC Special Education (Proteger la Educacion Especial de NYC)
Teachers College Inclusive Classrooms Project
Unity Preparatory Charter School of Brooklyn
Ursula Abbott Connolly
Cathy Albisa
Steven J. Alizio, Esq., M.S.Ed
Mark Alter, Steinhardt School of Culture, Education & Human Development, New York University
Catherine Baez
Celia M Blackman
David C. Bloomfield, Professor of Education, Brooklyn College and The CUNY Graduate Center
Bay Brown
Ted Chang
Jennifer Choi, Principal, Advocate, Jenn Choi Advocates, LLC
María Cioè-Peña, MSEd, Ph.D, Assistant Professor of Educational Foundations at Montclair State University
Tamesha Coleman
Jameka Collins
Lou Corti
April Coughlin, School of Education, SUNY New Paltz
Susan Crawford, Director, The Right to Read Project
Sahre Davis, Parent/Community Advocate
Ruth DiRoma
Richard and Lora Ellenson
Yuvania Espino
Charissa Fernandez
Ramona Garcia
Andrea Giammettei
Olga C. Gonzalez
Jay Gottlieb, New York University
Tiesha Groover
Emily Hellstrom
Paul Hutchinson
Rima Izquierdo
Patricia Jewett
Donna Johnson
Revere Joyce
Joseph Karam
Jeannine Kiely
Laura Kennedy
Rebecca Kostyuchenko
Shirley Kwok
Mylinda Lee
Aurelia Mack
Lavinia Mancuso
Matthew Mandelbaum
Jennifer Manning
Jeanna McGlinnis
Shelly McGuinness
Ellen McHugh
NeQuan C. McLean
Diana Mendez
Debra Meyer, Director of Community Engagement and Adjunct Professor of Literacy, Iona University
Susana Montes
Elise Murphy
Srikala Naraian, Department of Curriculum and Teaching, Teachers College, Columbia University
Dana Neider
Michelle Noris
Kathleen Nowak
Miriam Nunberg, Special Education Advocate and Educational Equity Consultant
Jaclyn Okin Barney, Esq.
Naomi Peña
Samantha Pownall
Cathy Rikhye, Ed.D., Department of Curriculum and Teaching, Teachers College, Columbia University
Raphael Rivas
Melanie Rivera-Mora
Ameena Rodriguez
Marilyn Rubinstein
Miguel L. Salazar
Jennifer and Peter Sellar
Iriss Shimony
Jon Sigall
Jo Anne Simon, Jo Anne Simon, P.C.
Karin Spraggs
Mark Surabian, MA, ATP, Instructor, Assistive Technologies, Pace Graduate School of Education
Tanzea Taylor
Pooja Vekaria, Neuropsychologist
RueZalia Watkins
Chevion Weaks-Lopez, Queens High School Presidents’ Council
Abraham Weitzman
Anna Zicer