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고등학교와 그 이후를 탐색하는 학생들

AFC’s Postsecondary Readiness Project works with older students who need support in high school and beyond. We help students find educational programs that are right for them, including programs that offer more academic support and help prepare for life after school. When needed, we advocate to secure school placements and services for older students with disabilities. We also support students with disabilities as they plan for college and jobs, apply for social services, and otherwise prepare to live independently.

Through this work, AFC identifies trends and advocates for policy changes to expand access to special education services, work-based learning, and graduation pathways. We also offer workshops for NYC parents, youth, and service providers about the rights and options available to older students navigating high school and beyond.

  • 우리 팀을 만나보세요

    Alex Elegudin

    Postsecondary Readiness Project Director

    Juliet Eisenstein

    Postsecondary Readiness Project Assistant Director

  • 안젤리사의 이야기

    Angelisa의 장애가 학업 진행을 방해하기 시작한 지 6년 후 개최된 개별 교육 프로그램(IEP) 개발 회의에서 AFC는 Angelisa의 불안과 학업 요구 사항을 해결할 수 있는 소규모 전문 학교 배치를 성공적으로 옹호했습니다.

  • 크리스천의 이야기

    AFC는 DOE가 그에게 적절한 교육을 제공하지 못한 수년 동안 Christian에게 이중 언어 교정 개인교습을 제공할 수 있었습니다.

  • Richard's Story

    Richard was struggling to finish his last few high school credits and remaining Regents exams to graduate. AFC successfully advocated for tutoring, assistive technology, and testing accommodations that helped Richard cross the finish line and earn his diploma!

    Richard on graduation day
  • Laura's Story

    When Laura first came to AFC, she was struggling in school with a learning disability and severe anxiety, and failing all of her classes. With AFC's support and intervention, Laura has grown academically and emotionally at a smaller, more appropriate school placement


가이드, 팁 시트, 교육 자료

Get information about different pathways to high school graduation, accessing social services, and preparing for the transition out of high school.

웨비나, 워크숍, 교육

AFC provides free workshops and know-your-rights trainings for parents, students, and professionals