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  • 서명 편지
  • 20개 이상의 조직에서 DOE 교육감에게 위탁 보호 학생의 요구 사항을 해결하도록 요청

    Advocates for Children joined more than 20 organizations calling on the DOE to appoint a senior-level leader to focus full-time on students in foster care and to honor its FY 2020 commitment to ensure busing for students in care.

    2020년 6월 25일

    A ruler, pencil, and pens sitting on an open textbook. (Photo by Katerina Holmes from Pexels)
    사진: Katerina Holmes, 출처: Pexels

    The letter calls on the DOE to guarantee that students in foster care, who have a legal right to transportation between their foster homes and schools, are provided door-to-door transportation going forward. The pandemic has further demonstrated the need for a staff member who has expertise in the specific rights and needs of these students, can serve as a point person for schools and foster care agencies, and can ensure that DOE policies take into account students in care.

    관련 정책 리소스