콘텐츠로 건너뛰기

  • 증언 및 공개 논평
  • AFC, 뉴욕시 공립학교의 새로운 음성 기반 커리큘럼 및 난독증 검사에 대해 증언

    AFC testified before the New York City Council Committee on Education & Committee on State and Federal Legislation regarding the new phonics based curriculum and dyslexia screening in NYC Public Schools. We are urging the Council to remain steadfast in the commitment to ensuring that all schools are using reading curricula with proven effectiveness and to push the school system to provide all students—including those who have disabilities like dyslexia—with the intervention and support they need.

    2023년 12월 14일

    New York City City Hall Building

    관련 정책 리소스

    관련 자료
