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  • AFC, Hochul 주지사의 시정연설에 답변

    Hochul 주지사의 시정연설에 응답하여 AFC(Advocates for Children of New York)의 Kim Sweet 전무이사는 다음과 같은 성명을 발표했습니다.

    2024년 1월 9일

    New York State capitol building

    Teaching children how to read is one of the most fundamental responsibilities of our schools. For too long, we have heard from families whose children did not receive effective literacy instruction and were struggling to read. We routinely work with middle and high school students who are unable to read their school textbooks or complete job applications—not because they lack the motivation or cognitive capacity to learn to read, but because their schools failed to provide evidence-based instruction and intervention.

    Ensuring that school districts across the State use curricula aligned with the scientific evidence on reading development and provide teachers with training and support can have a significant impact if implemented well. We’re encouraged that Governor Hochul has identified literacy as a priority and is taking these steps forward, and we look forward to seeing more details.

    We also agree with Governor Hochul about the importance of addressing students’ mental health needs, particularly as we’ve seen these needs grow since the pandemic. We appreciate the Governor’s attention on this issue, including proposals to support expansion of school-based mental health clinics, which can be a vital resource for students requiring mental health services.

    Moving toward effective reading practices and expanding access to mental healthcare would move our schools forward in important ways, but we are concerned the State may take a big step backwards if the Governor and Legislature do not intervene to support school districts that have funded essential programs, including programs advancing literacy and mental health, with soon-to-expire federal COVID-19 stimulus dollars. While some of the funding went to temporary needs caused by the pandemic, school districts also invested this money in programs that addressed long-term needs – needs that existed before the pandemic and are not going away. New York City alone is spending around $1 billion per year in expiring funding to pay for 450 school social workers, 3-K expansion, legally mandated preschool special education programs, shelter-based community coordinators, Summer Rising, community schools, psychologists, bilingual programming, literacy initiatives, and more.

    This fall, more than 160 organizations issued a 행동을 요구하다 “우리는 중요한 시기에 있습니다. 우리가 선출한 지도자들은 공교육에 막대한 지장을 초래하는 이러한 프로그램을 감시적으로 종료하도록 허용하거나, 학생들이 계속해서 중요한 지원과 서비스를 받을 수 있도록 새로운 자금 출처를 식별하는 조치를 취하는 것 중에서 선택해야 합니다. 우리는 선출된 지도자들이 필수 교육 프로그램을 유지하고 진전을 이루며 앞으로 수년간 학생들의 삶에 지속적인 영향을 미칠 것으로 기대하고 있습니다.”

    While we appreciate that the State is fully funding the decade-old Foundation Aid Formula, this is no time to be complacent. Instead, Governor Hochul and the State Legislature must make a substantial investment to help school districts sustain important education programs as their federal stimulus funding expires.