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  • 뉴스 속 AFC
  • 옹호론자들은 뉴욕시에서 위탁 아동 교육에 대한 책임을 누군가에게 갖도록 촉구합니다.

    May 5, 2021

    05.05.2021 | Bklyner | “It’s been three years, and we’ve been pushing this for a while,” says Erika Palmer, the supervising attorney at AFC who worked on this report. “With the federal and state funding the DOE will be getting, we think it’s a particularly perfect time for them to move forward with this.” 

    The advocates are urging the Department of Education to create an office specifically for the city’s foster care children. This comes three years after the Interagency Foster Care Task Force recommended the DOE to do so as well. 기사 읽기
