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  • 뉴스 속 AFC
  • NYC 학생의 정신 건강 위기에 대응하는 경찰의 역할이 커졌습니다. 보고서

    2021년 6월 3일

    06.03.2021 | NY Daily News | Advocates say the rising numbers are a sign the city needs a new approach to addressing students’ emotional needs. 

    “Students in emotional crisis need emotional support. They don’t need to be arrested and handcuffed,” said Kim Sweet, AFC’s Executive Director. “As a city, we need to start treating all students as we want our own children to be treated.” 

    The need for schools to address kids’ emotional distress will become more acute this fall, when city kids return to school buildings carrying the scars of the pandemic, advocates say. 기사 읽기