Leading the Way for NYC Schools: Recommendations for the Next Administration
Excellent public schools are essential to making New York City an attractive place to live and raise a family and to ensuring a strong foundation for our City’s future. Regardless of what happens at the federal level in the years ahead, it will be essential for New York City Public Schools to remain focused on the critical task of ensuring all young people receive the support they need to learn and thrive. Based on our experience helping thousands of New York City families each year, we urge the next Mayoral Administration to take on big challenges with bold ideas and stand firm in the face of threats to students’ civil rights.

The next Mayor will take the helm of a school system that is in many ways in flux. While the days of remote learning are behind us, rates of chronic absenteeism remain far higher than they were pre-pandemic, the academic aftershocks of missed instructional time have not fully subsided, and countless young people are struggling with mental health challenges. Declining birth rates and out-migration from the five boroughs have sparked concerns about long-term enrollment trends, even as tens of thousands of newcomer immigrant students have entered the public schools over the past two and a half years. In addition to ongoing state and local priorities—from implementing new English Language Arts curricula in elementary schools to preparing for the rollout of the State’s new graduation framework—City schools are grappling with the ripple effects of increased immigration enforcement; attacks on transgender and nonbinary youth; and other changes in the national political climate.
These recommendations are not intended to be an exhaustive list of every policy change the City should make to strengthen education; rather, we are identifying some of the key areas where the next Mayor—and other elected officials—should focus attention, energy, and resources, based on our work assisting students and families on the ground. The City should:
- Ensure every student has access to effective literacy instruction and intervention, building on the work of NYC Reads.
- Increase access to mental health services and ensure schools can safely and effectively support students’ social-emotional and behavioral needs.
- Improve educational services, programs, opportunities, and outcomes for students with disabilities.
- Expand high school options for recently arrived immigrant youth, recruit more bilingual teachers and service providers, and increase the number of bilingual programs.
- Ensure highly mobile youth—including students experiencing homelessness, students in the foster system, and students in the juvenile or criminal legal system—receive the support they need to succeed in school.
- Create a school transportation system that works for the students, families, and schools it is intended to serve.
- Improve communication with families, including those who speak languages other than English or have low digital literacy, and prioritize building strong relationships between home and school.
- Protect the safety and rights of undocumented students and families, LGBTQ+ youth, and other marginalized student populations.