এড়িয়ে যাও কন্টেন্ট

  • সাক্ষ্য এবং পাবলিক মন্তব্য
  • এএফসি গ্র্যাজুয়েশন পাথওয়ে এবং ক্যারিয়ার এবং কারিগরি শিক্ষার বিষয়ে সাক্ষ্য দেয়

    AFC testified before the New York State Assembly Committee on Education regarding Career and Technical Education (CTE) in New York State. Our testimony discusses considerations A.8189A/S.5966A must address.

    জুলাই 16, 2014

    New York State capitol building

    To respond to the graduation crisis in NYS, we must create both instructional and assessment pathways that take into account the postsecondary aspirations and learning styles of all students. We believe CTE can play a major role in this endeavor, especially as part of a broader system of multiple pathways to graduation. Unfortunately, many students have been limited in gaining access to CTE programs, particularly students with disabilities and English Language Learners. It is our hope that A.8189A/S.5966A begins to open doors to quality CTE programs for all students.

    সম্পর্কিত নীতি সম্পদ
