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  • খবরে এএফসি
  • 58% of NYC’s youngest children don’t receive all of their Early Intervention services

    ২৮ ফেব্রুয়ারি, ২০২৩

    Children from birth to 3 years old with developmental challenges are entitled to extra help. But new data shows that many students aren’t getting everything they are entitled to.
    (Erin Kirkland for Chalkbeat)

    Chalkbeat NY | “We’re at a point where thousands and thousands of children are waiting for services and in some cases never receiving their services,” said Randi Levine, policy director at Advocates for Children, a group that has pushed for reforms to the Early Intervention system. “We’re seeing statewide systemic violations of children’s rights.”

    Advocates also contend that one source of ongoing service delays is that providers are continuing to lean on telehealth services even in cases where face-to-face support is needed.

    “We’re creating a two-tiered system,” said Betty Baez Melo, who directs the early childhood education project at Advocates for Children. She noted that families in low-income communities have struggled to get access to providers who are willing to provide in-person services and argues the state should create financial incentives to encourage face-to-face services, a move supported by city officials.