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  • 1 in 9 NYC students were homeless last year

    নভেম্বর 1, 2023

    More than 119,000 New York City public school students were homeless last school year.

    City & State | A new report from Advocates for Children outlines causes of the 14% increase, including the ongoing migrant crisis.

    Roughly 1 in 9 public school students in New York City experienced homelessness last school year, according to new data released Wednesday – a staggering all-time high figure spurred forward in large part due to the ongoing arrival of thousands of asylum-seeking families. To put it in perspective, that’s more than enough children to fill Yankee stadium twice over.

    Of the over 119,000 students who were homeless during the 2022-23 academic year, 34% spent time living in city shelters, 61% were doubled up with other families, and 5% were unsheltered or living in cars or hotels, according to Advocates for Children of New York’s annual report on New York State Education Department records. That’s a 14% increase from the 2021-22 school year, although that year’s data was taken before the influx of new arrivals began enrolling in the system. নিবন্ধ পড়ুন