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Protecting Students’ Rights

A letter from AFC's Executive Director

Dear Friends,

For the past week, I have been reflecting on what the future holds for the families Advocates for Children serves. While much remains unclear, I am certain of one thing: AFC will stay 100% focused on what we do best – advocating for students facing discrimination and other obstacles to education in the NYC public schools.

Our ability to continue this vital work is made possible by the support of many of you who have been part of the Advocates for Children family for decades – through times of hope and joy, as well as moments of fear and uncertainty.

Here’s what AFC will be doing.

AFC will be paying close attention to students whose education rights and opportunities now face additional threats – immigrant students, transgender students, and the hundreds of thousands of students in NYC who currently benefit from federal funding and civil rights protections that help ensure access to quality schooling.

I can assure you that AFC will join with others to speak out against harmful policies on the federal level, while at the local level, we will remain steadfast in doing what we’ve done best for more than 50 years: making sure the students and families in our community know their education-related rights; advocating for the services, supports, and protections that NYC’s students need to succeed; and leading efforts for funding and policies to make our city’s schools a safe and effective learning environment for all students.

So, what can you do?

Know your rights, and learn how to speak up for the rights of others. Our library of guides, tip sheets, and toolkits in multiple languages advises NYC families and students of their education rights and what to do if those rights are violated.

Donate to support this crucial work. With your generous support, we will continue to serve thousands of NYC families and students each year, regardless of the challenges ahead.

Sign up to stay informed. Our weekly newsletter is a round-up of updates, events, ways to take action, and more need-to-know information for parents, students, & professionals.

Thank you for your partnership. Together, we can keep standing up for students in New York City and making a tangible difference in their lives.


Kim Sweet
Executive Director