Dapre done sou prezans chak mwa Depatman Edikasyon Vil Nouyòk (DOE) pibliye, elèv k ap viv nan abri pou sanzabri yo te kontinye gen yon pousantaj absans siyifikativman pi wo pase kanmarad yo ki rete nan kay yo apre relouvri konplè lekòl yo nan sezon otòn 2021, e disparite prezans yo te rete. pi gwo pase yo te anvan pandemi an.
Resous Politik
AFC travay pou chanje politik edikasyon pou sistèm lekòl piblik la sèvi tout timoun yo efektivman. Nou pibliye rapò politik ak analiz done, temwaye nan vil la ak nivo Eta a, pale nan laprès pou pote atansyon sou defi elèv yo ak fanmi nou sèvi yo ap fè fas a, epi mete ansanm ak lòt defansè, paran, jèn, ak edikatè pou mande chanje.
More than 115 Organizations Call for Changes to New York State’s School Funding Formula
Every child in New York State has the right to a sound, basic education—and providing such an education requires adequate and equitable funding. More than 115 organizations are calling on Governor Hochul and the New York State Legislature to revamp New York’s outdated school funding formula to ensure schools have the resources necessary to provide a high-quality education to all students, with particular attention to those who have the greatest needs.76 Results Found
Plis pase 30 òganizasyon te pibliye yon lèt ki te mande Majistra Adams ak Chancellor Banks pou yo itilize finansman federal pou sekou COVID-19 ki deziyen espesyalman pou elèv ki nan lojman tanporè pou yo anboche 150 Kowòdonatè Kominotè Depatman Edikasyon ki baze nan abri.
Kim Sweet, Direktè Egzekitif Advocates for Children of New York (AFC), te pibliye deklarasyon sa a an repons a pasaj Konsèy Vil New York la nan Intro 150-A, ki te kreye yon gwoup travay ki konsantre sou transpò elèv nan lojman tanporè.
AFC joined more than 40 organizations in releasing recommendations calling on Mayor-elect Adams to take bold action to address the educational needs of students experiencing homelessness, and to overhaul the educational support system in shelters, starting by hiring 150 shelter-based DOE Community Coordinators, and launching an interagency initiative to tackle the educational barriers these students face.
Yo te idantifye plis pase 101,000 elèv Vil Nouyòk kòm sanzabri pandan ane lekòl 2020–21, yon ogmantasyon 42% depi kòmansman deseni a ak sizyèm ane lekòl youn apre lòt kote plis pase 100,000 elèv Vil Nouyòk te fè eksperyans sanzabri.
Majistra eli Eric Adams pral pran pòs nan yon moman kote pandemi COVID-19 te vin pi grav inegalite depi lontan nan lekòl Vil nou an. Dapre 50 ane eksperyans sou tè nou yo ki ede elèv yo ak fanmi yo navige pi gwo sistèm lekòl la nan peyi a epi jwenn sipò yo bezwen pou aprann, nou dekri kèk nan defi ki pi ijan nan edikasyon piblik - ki gen ladan sa yo ki pre-. dat COVID — kote Majistra k ap vini an dwe prepare pou konsantre atansyon, enèji, ak resous yo.
AFC submitted written testimony to the City Council Committee on General Welfare in strong support of Intro. 1829-2019, which would preclude the Department of Homeless Services from requiring parents to bring their children to shelter intake appointments and help ensure students do not have to miss school when their families apply for shelter.
AFC and the ARISE Coalition (coordinated by AFC) testified before the City Council Committee on Education on the continued work needed to strengthen the DOE’s academic recovery plans this year. While we appreciate that the City is using this funding for some important initiatives, we worry there is still inadequate detail about how the funding will be used, inadequate funding for key priorities, and too much discretion and responsibility left to individual schools that already have their hands full reopening schools and keeping school communities safe.
Dapre done sou prezans chak mwa Depatman Edikasyon Vil Nouyòk (DOE) pibliye, elèv k ap viv nan abri pou sanzabri yo te gen anpil difikilte pou jwenn aksè nan yon edikasyon pase kamarad yo nan sezon fredi ak prentan 2021.
AFC testified before the New York State Senate Education Committee on the DOE’s use of increased state and federal education funding; specifically, how the funding is being used to meet the needs of students with disabilities, English Language Learners, and students experiencing homelessness—students who were hit particularly hard by the closure of schools.