AFC te soumèt temwayaj pou Odyans Bidjè Edikasyon Eta New York la, li te bat bravo pou apèl Gouvènè a pou fè prematènèl vrèman inivèsèl, men li te fè remake ke finansman ki nan pwopozisyon bidjè a pa ase pou atenn objektif sa a. AFC mande Lejislati a pou sipòte plan Majistra de Blasio pou elaji pre-matènèl rapid nan vil Nouyòk epi li fè rekòmandasyon tou konsènan refòm edikasyon espesyal Gouvènè a nan lekòl matènèl, dispans edikasyon espesyal, apre lekòl, ak pwopozisyon kont diskriminasyon.
Resous Politik
AFC travay pou chanje politik edikasyon pou sistèm lekòl piblik la sèvi tout timoun yo efektivman. Nou pibliye rapò politik ak analiz done, temwaye nan vil la ak nivo Eta a, pale nan laprès pou pote atansyon sou defi elèv yo ak fanmi nou sèvi yo ap fè fas a, epi mete ansanm ak lòt defansè, paran, jèn, ak edikatè pou mande chanje.
More than 115 Organizations Call for Changes to New York State’s School Funding Formula
Every child in New York State has the right to a sound, basic education—and providing such an education requires adequate and equitable funding. More than 115 organizations are calling on Governor Hochul and the New York State Legislature to revamp New York’s outdated school funding formula to ensure schools have the resources necessary to provide a high-quality education to all students, with particular attention to those who have the greatest needs.223 Results Found
AFC te soumèt kòmantè bay Depatman Edikasyon Eta New York konsènan amannman pwopoze nan Lwa Edikasyon Elemantè ak Segondè Eta a (ESEA) Flexibility Waiver. AFC te fè kòmantè sou amannman ki adrese tès pou elèv ki gen andikap ak Elèv k ap Aprann Lang Angle.
AFC te temwaye devan Komite Edikasyon Konsèy Vil Nouyòk la, li te diskite ke egzamen estanda ki gen gwo enjman kreye baryè ki pa nesesè pou gradyasyon.
AFC te temwaye devan Komite Byennèt Jeneral ak Pwoblèm Fanm Konsèy Vil New York konsènan aplikasyon EarlyLearn NYC. N ap diskite sou enpòtans pou ogmante finansman pou asire ke chak timoun ka patisipe nan yon bon kalite pwogram edikasyon pou timoun piti.
AFC te temwaye devan Komite Edikasyon Konsèy Vil New York konsènan refòm edikasyon espesyal Depatman Edikasyon an. Sistèm lekòl nou an bezwen chanje fason li edike elèv ki gen andikap; sepandan, chanjman pa pral bay rezilta pozitif sof si li byen egzekite ak finanse adekwat.
AFC te temwaye devan Komite Konsèy Vil Nouyòk sou Jistis Jivenil konsènan bezwen edikasyon elèv ki nan gad Administrasyon pou Sèvis Timoun (ACS) nan plasman ki pa an sekirite atravè Close to Home.
AFC submitted testimony to the Education Committee of the New York City Council supporting a one-year moratorium on school closings and additional community notification, but opposing a resolution giving Community Education Councils veto power over proposed co-locations.
AFC’s Early Childhood Education Project submitted comments on proposed revisions to the federal Child Care Development Fund regulations. Our suggestions are largely focused on two overarching goals that are of vital importance to the clients we serve: making it easier for low-income families to access subsidized child care so that their children can receive a high-quality early childhood education, and improving the ability of child care programs to serve children with special needs.
AFC testified before the New York City Council Committee on Juvenile Justice on the educational needs of students transitioning back into the community from detention and placement.
AFC testified at the Discipline Code hearing, which offers the opportunity for students, parents, teachers, and advocates to offer input into the draft of the discipline code which will go into effect during the 2013-2014 school year. AFC called for the discipline code to include meaningful information regarding behavioral supports for students with disabilities. Though students with disabilities make up 12% of the NYC public school population, they receive almost 1/3 of all suspensions.