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Stack of books against a blurred background. (Photo by Kimberly Farmer on Unsplash)

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447 Results Found

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AFC Testifies on the New York City FY 2026 Preliminary Budget — Health & Mental Health
New York City City Hall Building
  • Temwayaj ak Kòmantè Piblik
  • AFC Testifies on the New York City FY 2026 Preliminary Budget — Health & Mental Health

    AFC testified before the New York City Council Committee on Health and Committee on Mental Health, Disabilities and Addiction, calling on the City to extend and baseline funding for the Mental Health Continuum and to add funding to enhance services at school-based mental health clinics.

    Mar 24, 2025

    Response to the New York State Senate and New York State Assembly One-House Budget Proposals on Foundation Aid Funding
    New York State capitol building
  • Deklarasyon pou laprès
  • Response to the New York State Senate and New York State Assembly One-House Budget Proposals on Foundation Aid Funding

    Kim Sweet, Executive Director of Advocates for Children of New York, issued the following statement in response to the Foundation Aid proposals included in the New York State Senate’s and New York State Assembly’s Fiscal Year 2026 one-house budgets.

    Mar 12, 2025

    Leading the Way for NYC Schools: Recommendations for the Next Administration
    Close-up of a teenage girl writing in her textbook while sitting at desk in classroom. (Photo by Jacob Lund, Adobe Stock)
  • Agenda politik
  • Leading the Way for NYC Schools: Recommendations for the Next Administration

    Excellent public schools are essential to making New York City an attractive place to live and raise a family and to ensuring a strong foundation for our City’s future.  Regardless of what happens at the federal level in the years ahead, it will be essential for New York City Public Schools to remain focused on the critical task of ensuring all young people receive the support they need to learn and thrive. Based on our experience helping thousands of New York City families each year, we urge the next Mayoral Administration to take on big challenges with bold ideas and stand firm in the face of threats to students’ civil rights.

    Feb 25, 2025

    AFC, the Transition Alliance, and the ARISE Coalition Testify on the Need to Improve Special Education Services
  • Temwayaj ak Kòmantè Piblik
  • AFC, the Transition Alliance, and the ARISE Coalition Testify on the Need to Improve Special Education Services

    AFC, the Transition Alliance, and the ARISE Coalition testified before the City Council Committee on Education on Thursday, January 30th, 2025, on the need to improve special education services. The testimony called attention to the shortages of preschool special education classrooms and services, a lack of effective reading support for students struggling, inadequate behavioral health support, challenges with bus services, and more.

    Jan 30, 2025