Vwa Esansyèl, Pati II: Angaje Elèv yo ak Paran yo nan Enplemantasyon yon Nouvo Sistèm Evalyasyon Pwofesè
Dokiman politik Oktòb 2013 sa a mande DOE pou mete elèv yo ak paran yo lè y ap mete nouvo sistèm evalyasyon pwofesè a an pratik lè li tabli yon gwoup konsiltatif moun ki konsène yo pou bay repons sou pwosesis aplikasyon politik la. Papye a tou bay egzanp estrikti ki etabli pou objektif sa a nan lòt vil ak eta.

The implementation of a new system for evaluating the 75,000 teachers who work in New York City’s public schools is a massive undertaking – one that will change how principals use their time, how teachers direct their efforts in the classroom, and, ultimately, how students experience school. As the intended beneficiaries of this major reform effort, students and their families have an enormous stake in its success.