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Brown at 70

A note from AFC's Executive Director

Today marks the 70th anniversary of the Supreme Court’s decision in Brown v. Board of Education.  Advocates for Children of New York is proud of the role we have played in the ongoing struggle for education equity and racial justice, yet we see every day in our work how – nearly three-quarters of a century after its ruling – we still have so far to go in order to fulfill the promise of the landmark case.  

We know that starting as young as age 4, Black children are disproportionately suspended, expelled, and pushed into the school-to-prison pipeline—even though research has consistently shown no evidence that they have higher rates of misbehavior than their white peers. 

We see that Black children are placed in segregated special education classes and classified as emotionally or intellectually disabled at disproportionately high rates.

State tests show us that fewer than half of NYC’s Black and Hispanic students in grades 3-8 are taught to read proficiently, versus 70% of White students.

And New York City remains one of the most segregated school districts in the country, perpetuating and exacerbating disadvantages for the students we serve.

As we celebrate this anniversary, we recommit to our vision of an equitable and inclusive school system, where tout students receive the education they need to maximize their potential as adults — whether it’s by helping individual families access the schools and services their children need and deserve; filing litigation to protect education rights; pushing for positive approaches to school discipline that keep kids in school; or breaking down barriers that prevent immigrant parents from participating in their children’s education. 

Thank you for your partnership in the ongoing fight to protect every child’s right to learn. 

With gratitude, 

Kim Sweet
Executive Director